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How to cancel your server
We understand thet sometimes you no longer want your serrvice for one reason or another, however if that reason has to do with an issue with the following; prices, or technical we urge to contact our support before you request a cancellation as we will be able to work something out with you.
Plese note per our TOS, if you are requesting an immediate cancellation within 7 days after placing your order you will be fully refunded within 48 hours of placing your cancellation request. If it has been more then 7 days since you have placed your order, you will not get refunded, so we urge you to select End of Billing Perid cancellation type to avoid losing any time you have already paid for.
Any serice can be cancelled by the following steps below.
1. Login into your billing panel here.
2. Click on services box in the panel.
3. Now click on an active service you want to cancel.
4. Click the
Request Cancellation button.
5. Type in your reason for requesting the cancellation to help us improve our services, and pick the Cancellation Type from the following two:
Immediate - means your server will be cancelled within 24 hours.
At the end of billing period - means your service will be automatically cancelled right before your next due date and will not be renewed.
6. Now click the Request Cancellation button.
6. You will now see a confirmation page, and receive an email letting you know that your cancellation request has been received by our system.If any information you see here is outdated please let us know by contacting support via ticket. Thank you.
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